Every Monday, we revisit one of the listener questions we’ve answered in a previous episode. It’s been edited for clarity & brevity here. If you want to get the full version, links to the full episode are below the text.
Patrick: Here’s a question in our Think bucket:
I got my first training injury recently, and this is the first time I’ve had to deal with training while injured. Being limited and watching others do what I can't is quite mentally tough sometimes, and I’m not sure how to get past it.
Ben: I don't want to sound insensitive, but...get over it.
The truth is that injuries and setbacks are part of life, part of being human, not just an athlete. It's like getting sick - it's tough watching others go about their daily routines while you're stuck at home, but you have to accept it as a part of life.
We don't live in a perfect world, and unfortunately, injuries are a part of that world. It's about dealing with the reality that's presented to you. It doesn't matter what you wish or want or hope for. It's what's actually here now.
Now, had you asked how to prevent injuries while training, that would be a different conversation. But once you're injured, you just have to grapple with it. Here's a roadmap:
Step 1: Awareness. You're already there. You've acknowledged that this is a problem for you. That's a big first step.
Step 2: Reframe your situation. Your injury doesn't have to be a hindrance. See it as an opportunity. Maybe you can spend more time with your family, work on your business, or focus on another aspect of your training.
Step 3: Acceptance. Let go of what you can't control. You're injured. There's nothing to do but heal. In life, there will always be adversities. Rolling with them is key.
Step 4: Embrace the opportunity. This might sound strange but try to be excited about your situation. It's a chance to work on your character. You've identified that this is a struggle for you. So use this time to grow. You might not come out of this fitter, but you can certainly come out stronger, mentally and emotionally.
This is a chance for you to come out of this as a better version of yourself.
Will you be fitter? Most likely not.
Can you be “stronger?” Absolutely.
You recognize this for what it actually is: A chance for you to work through some of the less-than-helpful garbage in your head.
Full Episode:
Pure gold!
Love this. It’s all about how you “reframe” things. Whenever I find myself in a negative thought pattern I try to look at things through a different lens. Always a great reminder to “get over it” and not fall into victim mentality